Spring has sprung (or will be soon enough). So I guess that means leaving the house? Here’s four places you can find me in the near future (if you look carefully)!
WonderCon. Anaheim, CA March 31st-April 2nd.
I’ll be in the Artist Alley and will magically appear on panels listed below. http://www.comic-con.org/wca/2017/special-guests
FRIDAY March 31:
3:00-4:00 Guest Spotlight: Comics Drawing Party with Dave Roman & his Mom!
Join author & illustrator Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy, Goosebumps, Teen Boat!) as he teams up with his mom, Miriam (who has never been to a comic convention and is scared to even draw a stick figure), and several audience members to make completely improvised comics. Expect lots of embarrassing stories, crazy characters, and hilarious twists and turns! Room 211
SUNDAY April 2nd:
1:00p.m. – 2:00p.m. Capable Kids. Age is no barrier to the intrepid adventurers in works by participants Judd Winick (Hilo), Hope Larson (Compass South), Tania del Rio (Warren the 13th and the Whispering Woods), Jonathan Stokes (Addison Cooke and the Treasure of the Incas), and Dave Roman (The Race for Boatlantis). Moderated by Judy Neeb, Children’s Librarian, County of Los Angeles Public Library. Room 209
Battle of the Books Celebration, Carroll County, MD April 4th. All-ages literary event held at Winters Mill High School Open to the public, featuring myself and Kate Hannigan (The Detective’s Assistant) along with free refreshments (the best kind)! https://library.carr.org/programs/program.asp?record=41832&datenumber=68144
DINK! Independent Comics Expo. Denver, CO April 8th-9th.
I’ll be hosting a cartoon character workshop and appearing on a panel called Not Just For Kids. Creating Comics For All-Ages. http://dinkdenver.com/
Free Comic Book Day at Bedrock City Comics. Houston Texas. I’ll be signing books and doing lots of free sketches in the early afternoon. Swing by and get some free comics! http://www.bedrockcity.com/content/50/Calendar/
Gaithersburg Book Festival. Gaithersburg, MD May 2oth.
I’ll be hosting a panel about the Science Comics series from First Second books and co-hosting a character workshop with my buddy Alexis Frederick-Frost (Adventures in Cartooning). http://www.gaithersburgbookfestival.org/featured-authors-2/featured-authors/