George O’Connor (author of the Olympians series) and I recently appeared on the NickMom TV show Take Me To Your Mother with Andrea Rosen. The episode is called “Andrea Geeks Out” and can been seen online (at least for now). Here’s some screen pics.

George and I get to play ourselves.

My book Astronaut Academy makes a cameo in the opening segment.

An original drawing made for the show.
Watch the episode HERE. (We appear in segment 5)
About Dave
Dave Roman is the author of several graphic novels including Astronaut Academy: Zero Gravity, Teen Boat! and Agnes Quill: An Anthology of Mystery. He has contributed stories to Explorer: The Mystery Boxes, Nursery Rhyme Comics, and is the co-author of two New York Times bestselling graphic novels, X-Men: Misfits and The Last Airbender: Zuko’s Story. Roman is a graduate of the School of Visual Arts and worked as a comics editor for the groundbreaking Nickelodeon Magazine from 1998 to 2009. He lives in NYC with his wife, and fellow comic artist, Raina Telgemeier.
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