June 22-24 I’ll be exhibiting in the Artist Alley at this year’s American Library Association Annual Conference in Anaheim, California! You’ll be able to find me at booth #473 in the Graphic Novel Artist Alley, with Raina Telgemeier. We’ll have our books, T-shirts, free bookmarks, original artwork, & more!
There will actually be tons of graphic novel programming, so much that they have created a mini comic con within the show called GraphiCon…and I was asked to design the official logo! If you are at the show and see someone wearing one of the T-shirts with my art on it, please give them a high-five!

I’ll also be involved in a bunch of events on the Graphic Novel Stage including…
Intro to Artist Alley
Friday 5:30pm
Meet the graphic novels authors exhibiting in the Artist Alley.
Getting Graphic with Kids
Saturday 3-3:30pm
Author/illustrators from Explorer: The Mystery Boxes discuss creating and writing graphic novels for children and young adults.
*signing afterwards at the Abrams booth.
Comics Quickfire!
Sunday 3-4PM
Part drawing jam, part fast-paced game show! Volunteers from the audience are paired off with (or against) professional cartoonists in a series of fun-filled drawing challenges! Attendees of the Comics Quickfire are encouraged to participate, even if they can only draw stick figures or make silly suggestions. Featuring Dave Roman (Astronaut Academy), Raina Telgemeier (SMILE), Jen Wang (Koko Be Good) Thien Pham (Level Up), Jerzy Drozd (The Front), Jacob Chabot (Mighty Skullboy Army), and more!
Making Comics Come Alive: A Workshop for Your School or Library
Monday 11am–11:30am
Along with Josh Elder (Reading with Pictures) and Jerzy Drozd (Comics are Great)
Graphic Novel Open Forum
Monday 11:30-12PM
A unique opportunity to not only ask questions of several graphic novel authors, but have them ask questions of you! Come and share anecdotes about how graphic novels have (or haven’t) worked in your library, what you’d like to see more of, and what kinds of books your patrons really respond to. The authors will also share stories about library visits and other cool stuff they do to get kids excited about reading. Featuring Raina Telgemeier (SMILE), Dave Roman (Teen Boat!) Jerzy Drozd (Comics Are Great) and Faith Erin Hicks (Friends With Boys, Brain Camp).
*We also plan to record segments for the Kids Comics Revolution podcast. So swing by if you’d like to contribute to the show!