Sabina Remembered

Groveland family

Sunday, July 29th 2012 was the memorial for my 13-year-old cousin, Sabina, who at age 13 passed away after a long battle with cancer. It was a beautiful afternoon held at her Florida home, surrounded by lush trees and filled with friends, family, and food. Music from her iPod played over hundreds of smiling photographs, and wonderful stories were shared.

Sabina was one of the bravest, and strongest people I have ever met. I have so much love and admiration for her wonderful parents Suzanne & Dionicio and siblings Sophia & Adonis, who have gone through so much, but continue to be the most welcoming people. Like Sabina, they all have an infectious spirit and passion for life that will forever inspire me and my work.

Sabina in Florida

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About Dave

Dave Roman is the author of several graphic novels including Astronaut Academy: Zero Gravity, Teen Boat! and Agnes Quill: An Anthology of Mystery. He has contributed stories to Explorer: The Mystery Boxes, Nursery Rhyme Comics, and is the co-author of two New York Times bestselling graphic novels, X-Men: Misfits and The Last Airbender: Zuko’s Story. Roman is a graduate of the School of Visual Arts and worked as a comics editor for the groundbreaking Nickelodeon Magazine from 1998 to 2009. He lives in NYC with his wife, and fellow comic artist, Raina Telgemeier.
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