Comics and stuff by Dave Roman Maribelle Mellonbelly Green T-shirt: $15.00 Screenprinted on forest green American Apparel T-shirts. So cute! This bratty little rich girl can't buy happiness...but you can! Current Available size: Unisex Large Printing more girl sizes soon! ![]() Cybert Red T-shirt: $15.00 This snazzy T-shirt features Cybert the popular android from Astronaut Elementary. Printed on Hanes Beefy-Ts, this unique shirt is super comfy and ready to be your new favorite. Shown above: Medium Current Available sizes: small Medium large xtra-large ![]() Cybert Red Champion RINGER T-shirt: $15.00 This variation on the Cybert T-shirt is printed on Champion Ringer T's. Shown above: Medium Current Available sizes: small Medium large xtra-large BOOKS ![]() Teen Boat Issues 1-3 $4.00 (shipping included) Written by Dave Roman and Illustrated by John Green. The only comic series to combine the ANGST of Being a Teen...The THRILL of being a boat! You've heard the rumors, now discover the mini comic sensation for yourself! Issues #1-3 tell a complete story. ![]() Teen Boat Issues 4 & 5 $3.00 (shipping included) Written by Dave Roman and Illustrated by John Green. The second story arc in the saga! Teen Boat travels to Venice and falls in love with a young gondola! ![]() Astronaut Elementary Book 4: Lessons 11-12 $4.00 (40 pages) The fall semester is wrapping up and it's time for parent-teacher conferences and holiday parties before the students leave for winter break. This book introduces a rival school made up of tanuki (raccoon dogs) that compete against AstronautElementary in the deadly sport of Fire Ball! *Includes bonus sketchbook section! ![]() Astronaut Elementary Book 3: Lessons 8-9-10 $3.00 -As everyone takes their midterm exams, there is an anti-gravity drill, which means everyone has to float in an orderly fashion to the school exits and wait for further instructions. During this time a lot of students who arenŐt in the same classes notice each other for the first time. -Miyumi finds herself trapped inside the school with her arch-nemesis, Maribelle Mellonbelly and Hakata Soy, the new kid. They are confronted by Cybert, the robot who has been programmed to destroy Hakata by his arch-rivals, the Gotcha Birds. Miyumi and Maribelle must overcome their bitter rivalry in order to stop the robot and save their lives. ![]() Astronaut Elementary Book 2: Lessons 5-6-7 $3.00 -Cybert the robot arrives at Astronaut Elementary in search of Hakata Soy, but gets easily distracted and sent to the guidance councilor's office. The guidance councilor who looks like Cobra Commander tries to find out why Cybert is so obsessed with "destruction" and other violent tendencies. -We are introduced to two kids named Monique and Martin who have adopted a teddy bear named Tomcat as their mascot and chosen the moniker, Team Feety Pajamas, in their quest to be super-villains. They try to create rumors about themselves to build up their image in the hope of convincing classmates that they are really evil. . ![]() Astronaut Elementary Book 1: Lessons 1-2-3-5 $3.00 Our story begins a few weeks into the fist semester with the arrival of new transfer student Hakata Soy. We meet many of the other students and learn about their unique personalities and social alliances. -Maribelle Mellonbelly falls in love with Hakata Soy on site and starts planning their future together, until she realizes he is friends with her arch-rival, Miyumi San! -Scab tries to pull out Miyumi's hair as revenge for making Maribelle sad. -Senor Panda reveals to Miyumi his true identity as an undercover agent of the Intergalactic Bureau of Well Being (IBW), asking her help to him in his secret mission to stop a deadly threat to the school. He gives her Mr. Watch, a wristband with the ability to freeze time. CONTACT INFO: Retailers: please contact Tony Shenton Distribution for retailer discounts: All other sales contact: For additional items please visit: John Green Merchandise OTHER STUFF by Dave: ![]() |